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How do offline users affect my analytics data?
How do offline users affect my analytics data?
Adam Wills avatar
Written by Adam Wills
Updated over 2 years ago

If users are using the native app version of then they can complete and review courses without an internet connection. When a user is in "offline mode" their usage data is stored on their phone until they have an internet connection. As soon as they are back online this data is sent to the database and will be visible in your dashboard. For more information about what users can and can't do offline check out the article: Does work offline?

This can create a challenge when analysing learning data as there may be users who have completed courses in "offline mode" and are therefore not yet showing up in your dashboard. In order to tackle this challenge we have made it so that users need to go online in order to download a certificate. This means that if a user can see a certificate on their phone their usage data has been successfully uploaded to the dashboard. This should act as an incentive for users to switch on their internet and send their progress data to the dashboard! It also avoids a situation where a user says "I have got my certificate" and yet they are showing as "incomplete" in the dashboard.

A note on timestamps

If a user has been in offline mode their course progress data will be saved with the timestamp of when the task was completed. For example, if a user started a course in offline mode a week ago but only connected to the internet today then you will see in the dashboard that the course was started "7 days ago" (not today). This means that historical data (e.g. number of people who started a course a week ago) can change as users come out of offline mode.

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