Baseline scores are only enabled if you turn this feature on when you publish a course (read more on that here).
The idea of this feature is to test your user's knowledge before they engage with the lesson, to do this they will get asked quiz questions both before they see the lesson (baseline) and then also after they complete the lesson (endline).
The difference in accuracy between the baseline and endline is recorded as percentage (% improvement).
Some organistions want to do this to get a more accurate picture of what users already know about a topic and how much their understanding improves after taking the lesson. However, this feature makes the courses longer to complete, so if the data isn't critical you may want to turn this feature off to enable your users to complete courses faster.
It's up to you what you decide to do here, but either way we suggest you test the user experience first on a draft course before changing this setting for courses already live, as it can alter the user experience existing users move through